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Do Alarms go Off on Facetime

Do alarms go off when you FaceTime? (Answered)

Have you ever had that moment when you’re FaceTiming someone but you lost track of time because you were so engaged in the conversation? I have – and I missed doing an essential errand because of it!

Then it occurred to me: the next time I speak with that friend, I can just set an alarm. But wait! Do alarms go off while you’re on a Facetime call?

Alarms go off on FaceTime calls because you can’t silence or stop them from triggering at the selected time. But your alarms won’t disrupt your conversation as smartphones prioritize calls and retain their audio quality.

Don’t let the details trouble you, though. In this post, we’ll show you how your alarms affect phone calls and how to ensure they go on/off without fail when you’re on Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, and regular phone calls.

If I fall asleep on FaceTime, will my alarm still go off?

A phone alarm works separately from your FaceTime app, so the latter shouldn’t affect how it functions on your device. More importantly, falling asleep while using the app should stop your phone’s alarm clock from going off at the predetermined time.

All your preset alarms will go off on FaceTime once your desired time comes, regardless of your current state. You might even prefer your alarm to go off and wake you up while you’re asleep, so don’t miss anything as you’re using the app.

In particular, your phone alarm will be helpful if you fall asleep while waiting for someone to call you on FaceTime. Of course, the same applies if you suddenly fall asleep during a late-night video call with a friend, family, or partner.

your phone alarm will be helpful if you fall asleep while waiting for someone to call you on FaceTime

Once you set an alarm on your phone, it should ring at the selected time without fail, regardless of whether or not you’re active on FaceTime. Furthermore, your phone’s settings configuration can’t stop the alarm from going off after you set it.

Therefore, you can’t stop it by turning off your iPhone’s sounds or reducing its “Ringtone and Alert” volume slider. 

Doing so will lower the sound level so it doesn’t drown out your audio and mess with your FaceTime call, but the alarm will go off as planned.

lower the sound level so it doesn’t drown out your audio and mess with your FaceTime call, but the alarm will go off as planned

Your alarm will only fail to go off if you turn it off before you use FaceTime and fall asleep. Additionally, a phone alarm will fail to go off if you turn off your phone, which is understandable since all features and programs stop when a device is in this state.

Unfortunately, your iPhone can’t be off when using FaceTime, so you can’t stop your alarm from going off.

If I’m on a call, will my alarm go off while I’m on FaceTime?

As mentioned, your phone alarm will go off while using FaceTime on your iPhone without fail. After all, alarms will inevitably trigger an alert at the selected time, regardless of the apps and tasks running on your device.

Unfortunately, lowering your device’s volume settings won’t help because alarms can bypass them entirely. 

As a result, your preset alarms will go off and make some noise whether or not your iPhone is silent or you’re on a FaceTime call with someone.

Thankfully, triggering your phone alarm won’t interfere with your FaceTime calls, even if they go off while speaking with someone. Though the resulting sound alert may disrupt your conversation, it won’t stop the ongoing video call.

Luckily, Apple made it so you can only hear the alarm sounds on your end, so it can’t affect the person you’re talking to and vice versa. However, it might distract you, making you miss what your conversation partner might be saying.

If you don’t want a disruption during your conversation, turn off your phone alarms before FaceTiming someone. Doing so is essential because this app doesn’t have a feature that allows you to silence sound alerts during calls.

turn off your phone alarms before FaceTiming someone

If you need a silent alarm sound when using FaceTime, use a quiet ringtone. However, doing so is pointless since alarms should be noticeable to achieve their purpose.

Will my alarm go off while I’m on a Snapchat call?

If your alarms go off on FaceTime, you can expect the same to happen when using the Snapchat app because they’re in a similar situation. 

Unfortunately, both apps don’t have a built-in feature that silences sound alerts during your in-app calls with someone.

Even if you start a Snapchat call, it won’t stop your phone alarms from triggering at their predetermined time. It’s important to note that your phone alarms won’t stop your calls, so they can’t interrupt your essential conversations with another user.

Will my alarm go off while I’m on a Snapchat call

Fortunately, the alarm’s sound alert will have a reduced volume, so it can’t overshadow the audio from your phone call. 

Above all, it won’t affect the other person because only you can hear the sound alert due to how the alarms on your iPhone work.

However, that doesn’t mean you won’t find your phone alarm distracting, especially during its initial ring. It’s usually the first ring that will surprise you, causing you to miss some potential words your conversation partner is saying during that time.

Therefore, consider turning off your phone alarms before calling someone on Snapchat. This way, you don’t have to worry about your alarms interfering with your in-app conversation since you can’t silence them through the settings.

Otherwise, you’ll need to adjust your sound alert’s volume level to make it low enough that it doesn’t drown out your call’s audio. It’s your only option since you can’t stop your alarm from going off, even if you’re on a Snapchat call.

 adjust your sound alert’s volume level to make it low enough that it doesn’t drown out your call’s audio

Switching to a less distracting ringtone is also helpful because it allows you to keep your alarms without disrupting your Snapchat calls. It’s a win-win situation because you can get reminders without interrupting your conversation.

How to Make Your Alarm Go Off During a Snapchat Call

Making your alarm go off during your Snapchat call is a no-brainer whether you’re using an iPhone or Android device. After all, phone alarms will trigger without fail even if you don’t change your device’s settings configuration. 

Therefore, the steps below will make your alarms more noticeable during your Snapchat call. For this to work, you must increase your alarm’s sound level so you can notice the alert once it rings at the selected time.

You must also double-check your preset alarm to ensure that it’s turned on. Doing so is essential because you can’t make an alarm go off if you turn it off, even if its volume is at the highest level.

Here are the steps to make your alarm go off on your iPhones and Android devices:

Make your alarm go off on Android

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps6
Time to Perform Fix30 seconds
Things NeededAny Android phone
Step 1: Go to Settings.

Step 2: Click “Sound & vibration.”

Step 3: Adjust the alarm slider to increase
its volume level.

Step 4: Return to your device’s home screen
and go to Clock.

Step 5: Go to the alarms tab.

Step 6: Turn on your alarm.

Make your alarm go off on iPhone

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps6
Time to Perform Fix30 seconds
Things NeededAn iPhone
Step 1: Go to Settings.

Step 2: Go to Sounds and Haptics.

Step 3: Adjust the “RINGTONE AND ALERT VOLUME slider
to increase your alarm’s sound level.

Step 4: Enable “Change with Buttons” to adjust the sound level
using your iPhone’s volume buttons.

Note: This step is optional since it can cause you to change
your alarm’s sound level accidentally.
Step 5: Return to the iPhone home screen
and go to Clock.

Step 6: Go to Alarm.

Step 7: Turn on your alarm.

Will my alarm go off during a phone call?

As mentioned, alarms usually go off because they work separately from other audio functions on a smartphone. For example, you can’t silence alarms even if you mute your device’s sounds or put them on silent.

Here’s our more detailed explanation of how alarms go off during phone calls on iPhones and Android devices.

For Android Users

For this discussion, we’ll use Samsung phones as a reference because many Android devices function differently, even if they use similar operating systems. Therefore, it’s possible that what we’ll discuss here won’t apply to your device.

However, most Android devices, like Samsung phones, won’t stop alarms from going off even during a phone call. As a result, your device’s screen will change to display the alarm reminder without stopping the call.

your device’s screen will change to display the alarm reminder without stopping the call.

During the alarm time, your Samsung phone will produce three beeps to notify you about the reminder. However, the sound will be much lower since your phone prioritizes the audio from your phone call so their sounds don’t clash.

The three beeps might be distracting if you’re engrossed in your conversation, but the reduced volume makes them manageable. This way’s also better since you don’t want to miss important reminders and regret not knowing about them later.

After the three beeps, your alarm won’t produce more sounds, but you must manually dismiss the alarm notification to remove it from your phone screen.

For iPhone Users

Alarms on iPhones behave similarly to Samsung devices, but that’s because alarm features are typically standard across various phone brands. Therefore, your alarms will go off during your calls, even in this case.

Alarms on iPhones behave similarly to Samsung devices, but that’s because alarm features are typically standard across various phone brands. Therefore, your alarms will go off during your calls, even in this case.

Furthermore, your iPhone will prioritize your phone calls over the alarm sound, allowing it to continue and retain its audio quality. This call priority explains why phone alarms have reduced volumes during a phone call, making them less distracting.

After all, you don’t want the audio from both functions to clash and make the situation chaotic. A lower alert volume is ideal because you can receive important reminders without sacrificing your present conversation.

Like a Samsung device, your iPhone will also display the alarm notification on your screen. Of course, you can dismiss this notification using the snooze button so you can return to your phone call without ending it prematurely.

More importantly, your iPhone will block the alarm sounds to prevent the other person from hearing it. This way, you can continue your conversation without interruption, and your conversation partner can’t tell the difference.

How to Make Your Alarm Go Off During a Phone Call

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps1
Time to Perform Fix30 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone

Phone calls are similar to those you make on messaging apps like FaceTime, Snapchat, or Facebook Messenger. Therefore, you don’t need to do anything special to ensure your alarms go off during your phone calls.

You can follow the previous instructions to adjust your iPhone or Android device’s volume level and enable your alarm. Doing so should be enough to allow your alarms to go off during regular phone calls.

How to Make Your Alarm Go Off During a Phone Call

Will my alarm go off while on a Messenger call?

Like the previous apps, Messenger calls will behave the same whether you’re using an iPhone or Android device. As such, your alarms will go off without fail, even if you’re talking to someone using Facebook’s messaging app.

Your Messenger call will also take priority, so your device will reduce your alarm volume to make it less distracting. It means that smartphones prioritize all phone calls regardless of the app you’re using.

How to Make Your Alarm Go Off During a Messenger Call

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps1
Time to Perform Fix30 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone

Since all apps use the same volume settings on your phone, you can use the previous instructions to ensure your alarm goes off during a Messenger call. 

It makes everything more straightforward since the alarm functions are separate from your messaging apps.

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