Saying playing PS5 with its 4k Blu-ray drive and next-gen hardware is addictive can be an understatement. This explains why it becomes a huge letdown when you’re all set to play, yet the console balks — it won’t turn on but only beeps.
It’s precisely why we are walking you through the causes of a PS5 console not turning on in this post. More importantly, we’re showing ten tried-and-tested troubleshooting tricks to remedy the issue so you can get back to your gaming ASAP.
PS5 Beeps but Won’t Turn On: Why does it happen?
Below are the most common reasons your PS5 may beep yet fail to turn on.
- The power accessories on your PS5 console are faulty or damaged.
- The power outlets in your room aren’t supplying enough electricity to power the PS5 console.
- The HDMI and power cable connections on your PS5 console are loose.
- Your PS5 console keeps overheating due to a dust buildup inside its built-in fan and air vents.
- Your PS5 console needs an updated system software version.
- The system software installed on your PS5 console is corrupt.
How to Fix a Beeping PS5 that Won’t Turn On
FIX 1. Reboot your PS5 console manually
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 2 |
Time to Perform Fix | 30 seconds |
Things Needed | A working PS5 power button |
The fastest and most straightforward way to troubleshoot if your PS5 stops short of turning on is to reboot the console using its power button manually. This physical button allows you to restart the PS5 console’s system if you don’t have a working controller.
As simple as this solution is, it’s potent. It’s a handy solution for various PS5 console errors, such as startup problems, poor performance, frozen screens, disconnection issues, etc.
Step 1: Press and hold your PS5 console’s power button for up to 10 seconds or until you hear two beeps.

Step 2: Wait while your PS5 console completes its reboot sequence.
FIX 2. Check your PS5’s power supply
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 1 |
Time to Perform Fix | 40 seconds |
Things Needed | • A working power outlet • A voltmeter or multimeter • A working power cable • A can of compressed air |
A faulty power supply is one of the most common causes if your PS5 is beeping but not turning on. The root cause can be a faulty power cable, port, hardware, or even from plugging the console into a problematic power outlet.
The PS5 console is dual voltage, so it has no issue plugging into a 110V or 220V outlet. But issues occur when there isn’t sufficient power from the outlet, or if it’s prone to surges and fluctuations.
We recommend using a voltmeter or multimeter to help you determine if your outlets are outputting the required voltage to power the console.

You also need to inspect the power cable for signs of damage, such as wear and tear, cuts, or rust in the connectors. If you find such an issue, simply replace the cable with a new one or use the one from an old PS4 console (if that’s what you have).
We also recommend checking the DC/IN port where you plug the power cable into your PS5 console. This part is prone to collecting dust or dirt over time, so you must clean it occasionally using a can of compressed air.
FIX 3. Power cycle the PS5 console
Difficulty | Easy ●●○○○ |
Number of Steps | 5 |
Time to Perform Fix | 30 minutes |
Things Needed | • A working PS5 power button • A working power cable |
Sometimes, a manual reboot isn’t enough to fix the bootup problem on your PS5 console. In such cases, your PS5 won’t turn on might be due to its residual electrical charges causing its system to experience various errors and malfunction.
This explains why a quick manual reboot on your PS5 console doesn’t resolve the bootup problem. After all, you must keep your PS5 console starved of electricity for some time to drain the residual electrical charges it has stored.
Doing so will not only resolve the bootup problem, but it’s also an effective method of improving the console’s performance and speed. Since the power cycle requires you to keep your PS5 console turned off, this gives its system time to refresh itself.
It’s why you should always power cycle your PS5 console occasionally, especially if you keep it running for long hours. Plus, electronic devices also need to have some downtime otherwise, you’ll burn up your console’s lifespan fast.
Step 1: Press your PS5 console’s power button until its indicator light turns off.

Step 2: Unplug the power cable from the back of the PS5 console.

Step 3: Unplug the other end of the cable from the power outlet.

Step 4: Leave your PS5 alone for about 30 minutes to allow it to drain all of its residual electrical charges.
Step 5: Plug the power cable back into the PS5 console and power outlet and press the power button to turn it back on.

FIX 4. Ensure that your PS5’s HDMI cable is secured
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 2 |
Time to Perform Fix | 15 seconds |
Things Needed | A working HDMI cable |
Like your PS5 console’s power cable, you must also ensure that its HDMI cable is plugged in securely to avoid connection problems that will prevent it from turning on.
Doing so will also prevent a known HDMI glitch that can cause bootup problems.
This glitch also occurs on the PS4 console, so we recommend taking the necessary measures to prevent this from happening on your PS5. Fortunately, you must reseat your PS5 console’s HDMI cable to correct any loose cable connection.
It’s a simple trick, but it’s very effective when your PS5 won’t turn on due to an ongoing HDMI connection problem. Correcting how the HDMI cable on your PS5 console is plugged in is also helpful in case there isn’t an actual bootup issue.
After all, it’s possible to mistake the “No Signal” message on your TV or monitor as an indication that the PS5 console isn’t turning on. You’re misled into believing a false bootup error when the real cause of the issue is a faulty HDMI connection.
Step 1: Unplug and re-plug the HDMI cable from your PS5 console’s port to secure its connection.

Step 2: Do the same to the other end of the HDMI cable that plugs into your TV or monitor.

Speaking of HDMI glitches, you can consider turning off your TV or monitor while turning your PS5 console on. It’s a weird solution that works on the PS4 that we think should work if your PS5 won’t turn on after re-plugging its HDMI cable properly.
Also, you need to check if you’ve selected the PS5 console as the input source on your TV or monitor. The steps for this action vary depending on the TV or monitor’s model and brand, so we suggest checking its product guide or user manual.
FIX 5. Insert a disk into the PS5’s disk drive
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 1 |
Time to Perform Fix | 20 seconds |
Things Needed | • A PS5 Standard Edition console • A game or Blu-ray disk |
If you have the slimmer and cheaper PS5 Digital Edition, we suggest skipping this solution as it involves the disk drive that only exists on the console’s Standard Edition.
You can think of it as an advantage of sticking to physical instead of switching to digital.
You can utilize the console’s disk drive to fix the “PS5 beeps but won’t turn on” issue by inserting a disk while it’s turned off. Please note that your PS5 console must be plugged into a power source before you insert a game or Blu-ray disk.
After all, no amount of game disk will turn on your PS5 console when it doesn’t have the power to turn itself on, to begin with. This method aims to trick your PS5 into turning on by giving it something to work on, such as accepting and loading the disk.
Please also ensure that you’re inserting the game or Blu-ray disk correctly to avoid causing further issues on your PS5 console. Inserting the wrong side of a disk is a common mistake that most PS5 users make and may cause damage if unlucky.

A good indicator that you’re inserting the game or Blu-ray disk correctly is when the print side is facing left, which is where the console’s power cable is located. You can also place your PS5 console horizontally to avoid making this simple mistake.
If your PS5 console isn’t accepting the disk you’re trying to insert into its disk drive, we suggest unplugging and replugging its power cable and pressing its power button. Keep repeating this until your PS5 console accepts the game disk boots.
FIX 6. Restart your PS5 console via its safe mode menu
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 6 |
Time to Perform Fix | 30 seconds |
Things Needed | • A PS5 controller • A USB Type-C to USB Type-A cable • A USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable |
In case a certain feature or software error is preventing your PS5 console from turning on, you can try booting into its safe mode instead. This action is a viable solution since the safe mode is designed to turn your PS5 console on with only its basic functions.
Since most of its features and programs are disabled in this mode, the PS5 console can be turned on with some bonus troubleshooting tools available. Once you’ve successfully booted the PS5 console into safe mode, that confirms that the issue is software-related.
From there, the first thing we recommend you do is restart your PS5 console using the safe mode menu. Sometimes, the simplest solution is enough to fix the “PS5 beeps but won’t turn on” issue.
Restarting your PS5 console from the safe mode menu should allow it to correct any software bugs and errors preventing it from turning on during normal mode. Plus, you can always resort to other safe mode options if this one doesn’t fix the issue.
Step 1: Press and hold your PS5 console’s power button for 7 seconds or until it makes two beep sounds.

Note: The PS5 must be turned off beforehand.
Step 2: Wait for the safe mode screen to appear on your TV or monitor’s display.

Step 3: Connect a compatible cable to the USB port on your PS5 controller.

Step 4: Connect the other end of the cable to any of the PS5 console’s USB ports.

Note: The one that comes with your PS5 is a USB Type-C to USB Type-A cable but you can also use a USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable without any issues.
Step 5: Press the PS button on the PS5 controller to continue to the safe mode menu.

Step 6: Select the “1. Restart PS5” option and restart the console.

Step 7: Wait for the PS5 console to shut down turn on.
FIX 7. Clean your PS5 console’s built-in fan
Difficulty | Moderate ●●●○○ |
Number of Steps | 21 |
Time to Perform Fix | 30 minutes to 1 hour |
Things Needed | • A Tox T8 screwdriver • A can of compressed air • A brush • A mini vacuum cleaner • A pair of pliers • Isopropyl alcohol • A cotton tissue or microfiber cloth |
Overheating is a major concern when it comes to the PS5 console because of its harmful effects on its components. It’s the reason why this console is designed to protect itself from overheating by shutting itself down automatically.
After the console shuts down due to overheating, the PS5 won’t turn on until its internal temperature reaches a safe level. As such, it’s always better to avoid overheating your PS5 console during use than troubleshooting it afterward.
One way to prevent your PS5 console from overheating is to clean its inside and remove its dust buildup. Think layers of dust can clog your PS5 console, blocking its air vents and preventing its built-in fan from performing its intended purpose.
You can consider dust buildup as one of the biggest, if not the biggest, reasons why you’re PS5 may keep overheating while you’re playing. We recommend cleaning your console regularly to prevent dust buildup in the first place.
Step 1: Place the console horizontally and grab the corner of the top cover with the PS logo so you can lift and slide it sideways.

Step 2: Flip the PS5 console and pull up the back cover to reveal what’s inside.

Step 3: Brush the intakes on the side to remove all of the dust buildup on the top and bottom sections of the console.

Step 4: Blow compressed air on the intakes to remove any remaining dust particles.

Step 5: Clean the top and bottom covers of your PS5 console using the brush and compressed air to remove dust sticking to them.

Note: You can also moisturize a tissue or cleaning cloth with isopropyl alcohol to clean the covers better.
Step 6: Use a mini vacuum to suck dust inside the openings on your PS5 console.

Step 7: Lift and remove the intakes on the top and bottom sections of the PS5 console.

Step 8: Use a Torx T8 screwdriver to unscrew the fan plate from your PS5 console.

Step 9: Lift the fan plate to expose the built-in fan.

Step 10: Peel off the black adhesive piece that’s covering the cable of the built-in fan.

Step 11: Disconnect the fan’s connector using a pair of pliers.

Step 12: Lift the built-in fan to remove it from the PS5 console.

Step 13: Brush the fan to remove any dirt buildup.

Step 14: Use the can of compressed air or the mini vacuum to remove any remaining dust particles.

Step 15: Flip the fan and repeat Steps 13 and 14.

Step 16: Place the PS5 console vertically with the wide side up to see the heat sink better.

Step 17: Use the brush to wipe the dust buildup on the heat sink’s fence and finish it up by sucking all of the dust particles using the mini vacuum cleaner.

Step 18: Reinstall the built-in fan and don’t forget to plug in its cable connector and cover it up with the black adhesive piece.

Step 19: Cover the built-in fan with the fan plate and screw it back into place.

Step 20: Reinstall the intake that you removed earlier.

Step 21: Return the back cover to the PS5 console and slide the top cover back into place.

You can prevent your PS5 console from further overheating by placing it in a spot with good airflow and ventilation. If your PS5 console collects dust in its previous location, you must move it to a different room.
We also recommend not placing your PS5 console near heat sources or next to other objects that can affect the airflow around it. The console needs some space around it to help dissipate heat much better.
FIX 8. Update your PS5’s system software
Difficulty | Easy ●●○○○ |
Number of Steps | 9 |
Time to Perform Fix | 5 minutes |
Things Needed | • A PS5 controller • A USB Type-C to USB Type-A cable • A USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable • A working internet connection |
Aside from restarting your PS5 console from the safe mode menu, you can also update its software version in case the root cause of the issue is software-related. It’s also ideal if its software is outdated and the PS5 won’t turn on in normal mode.
For this method, we’ll be using the easier option, which is to update the software version via the Internet. You can also do this manually using a USB stick but even with this method you still need to download the update file on a computer anyway.
As such, we suggest doing an over-the-air update since it’s less complicated since your PS5 console can stay connected to your WiFi network even in safe mode. Your internet connection must be fast and stable to avoid issues during the update.
Step 1: Press and hold your PS5 console’s power button for 7 seconds or until it makes two beep sounds.

Note: The PS5 must be turned off beforehand.
Step 2: Wait for the safe mode screen to appear on your TV or monitor’s display.

Step 3: Connect a compatible cable to the USB port on your PS5 controller.

Step 4: Connect the other end of the cable to any of the PS5 console’s USB ports.

Note: The one that comes with your PS5 is a USB Type-C to USB Type-A cable but you can also use a USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable without any issues.
Step 5: Press the PS button on the PS5 controller to continue to the safe mode menu.

Step 6: Select the “3.Update System Software” option to continue.

Step 7: Scroll down and select the “2. Update Using Internet” option to start an over-the-air software update.

Step 8: Wait while the PS5 console checks for a software update.

Step 9: Select Update to download and install the latest software version on your PS5 console.

FIX 9. Reset your PS5
Difficulty | Easy ●●○○○ |
Number of Steps | 7 |
Time to Perform Fix | 1 minute |
Things Needed | • A PS5 controller • A USB Type-C to USB Type-A cable • A USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable |
In case the software update didn’t fix the “PS5 beeps but won’t turn on” issue, you can return to the safe mode menu to reset the console instead. This action is similar to the initialization process in the PS4, which deletes all of the console’s stored data.
As such, we only recommend you use this method as a last resort and only when the previous options weren’t able to help with the bootup problem. After the reset, you’ll need to set up your PS5 console like it’s brand new and reconfigure its settings.
You also need to redownload all of the apps and games you had before the reset process. Everything will be tied to your PlayStation account so you don’t have to purchase any subscription or games you’ve already paid for.
Step 1: Press and hold your PS5 console’s power button for 7 seconds or until it makes two beep sounds.

Note: The PS5 must be turned off beforehand.
Step 2: Wait for the safe mode screen to appear on your TV or monitor’s display.

Step 3: Connect a compatible cable to the USB port on your PS5 controller.

Step 4: Connect the other end of the cable to any of the PS5 console’s USB ports.

Note: The one that comes with your PS5 is a USB Type-C to USB Type-A cable but you can also use a USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable without any issues.
Step 5: Press the PS button on the PS5 controller to continue to the safe mode menu.

Step 6: Select the “6.Reset PS5” option to continue.

Step 7: Click Yes to confirm the reset and wait for the PS5 console to shut down and restart.
FIX 10. Reinstall the PS5 console’s system software
Difficulty | Easy ●●○○○ |
Number of Steps | 14 |
Time to Perform Fix | 10 minutes |
Things Needed | • A PCA USB stick • A working internet connection • A Micro USB to USB Type-A cable • A USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable • A PS5 controller |
If the PS5 reset wasn’t able to fix your console’s bootup problem it can only mean that its system software was already corrupt, to begin with. Thus, your only remaining option is to reset the console by reinstalling its system software.
Like the previous reset process, this action will also delete every data on your PS5 console. The difference is that you’ll be replacing the corrupt system software on your console by downloading a new copy from the official PS5 software page.
It means that you’ll need a computer to perform this solution and a reliable internet connection so you can download the reinstallation file.
Once you have the reinstallation file, you have to install it on your PS5 console manually using a compatible USB stick.
Step 1: Insert a USB stick into your PC and create a PS5 folder.

Note: The USB stick has to have FAT32 or exFAT as its file system so make sure to format it first if it’s in NTFS.
Step 2: Open the PS5 folder to create an UPDATE folder.

Note: The folder names must all be capitalized.
Step 3: Open a web browser on a PC to go to the official software update download page for PS5.

Step 4: Scroll down and click the PS5 console reinstallation file button to download it to your PC.

Step 5: Drag the reinstallation file to the UPDATE folder to make a copy.

Step 6: Wait for the reinstallation file to be copied into the UPDATE folder.

Step 7: Remove the USB stick from your PC and insert it into the PS5 console.
Step 8: Press and hold your PS5 console’s power button for 7 seconds or until it makes two beep sounds.

Note: The PS5 must be turned off beforehand.
Step 9: Wait for the safe mode screen to appear on your TV or monitor’s display.

Step 10: Connect a compatible cable to the USB port on your PS5 controller.

Step 11: Connect the other end of the cable to any of the PS5 console’s USB ports.

Note: The one that comes with your PS5 is a USB Type-C to USB Type-A cable but you can also use a USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable without any issues.
Step 12: Press the PS button on the PS5 controller to continue to the safe mode menu.

Step 13: Select the “7.Reset PS5 (Reinstall System Software)” option to continue.

Step 14: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reinstallation process on your PS5.