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What Does Blue Dot Mean on Samsung Contacts

What does the blue dot mean on Samsung contacts?

Well, if you ask me, I want to be as thorough as possible with my Samsung flip phone. Reason enough of why I made it a point to know what the blue dot on my Samsung contacts means — I initially thought those people were spying on me. 

The good news is the blue dot on your Samsung contacts indicates the RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging feature. It’s a new standard set to replace SMS and MMS messaging, so be glad, as it’s a step forward. 

Don’t worry if all that sounds too technical. In this post, we’ll detail everything, from what the blue dot means on your Samsung contacts to how to remove it so you can get your Samsung smartphone in order, no matter the device model.

What does the blue dot beside my Samsung contacts mean?

The blue dot on your Samsung contacts means they have enabled their smartphone’s Rich Communications Settings (RCS) feature. With this, you can send and receive text messages in RCS chat format with your Samsung contact.

RCS chat is Google’s implementation of the RCS Universal Format, which is why it’s now on Android devices. 

Unlike the traditional SMS and MMS format, RCS messaging lets you send more than just text messages, making the experience more engaging.

What does the blue dot beside my Samsung contacts mean

The only caveat is your Android smartphone must be compatible with RCS messaging. If compatible, you must enable the feature on your Messages app and ensure that your smartphone connects to a WiFi or mobile data network.

Additionally, your local network carrier must support RCS messaging. Using the latest Samsung Galaxy devices and having the fastest internet connection means nothing if your mobile network provider isn’t implementing RCS messaging in their service.

After all, RCS messaging must link to your mobile phone number, which means a WiFi connection is insufficient without a valid phone number from your local network carrier.

Here are notable RCS chat features you can enjoy on your Samsung Galaxy device.

  • You can see if your contact is typing a message.
  • You and your contact can see whenever a message is sent and received with RCS messaging’s read receipts. 
  • RCS messages are sent using WiFi or mobile data connection.
  • It supports file sharing, including high-quality images.

The read receipts will show icons below your RCS messages so you know their status. Here are these icons and their corresponding meanings.

  • Timer icon: RCS is sending the message.
  • Single check icon: RCS sent the message.
  • Double check icon: RCS delivered the message.
  • Double check icon (colored): the contact has read your RCS message.

How To Remove Blue Dot From Contact on Samsung? 

Since the blue dot on your Samsung contacts is due to the RCS messaging, turning this feature off on your Galaxy device should stop the dots from appearing. 

This solution is straightforward because the RCS messaging is the only reason the blue dots appear.

Therefore, you can stop seeing the blue dot beside your contacts by turning off the RCS messaging feature on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone. However, we don’t recommend turning RCS messaging off unless you can’t stand the blue dots.

How To Remove Blue Dot From Contact on Samsung

After all, it’s an excellent feature that makes SMS messaging more fun and engaging on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone. We suggest giving it a chance before relegating it to your list of unused features.

While the steps for turning off the RCS features are broadly similar across Samsung Galaxy devices, the menu options may vary. Thus, we listed three methods to turn RCS messaging off, showcasing the different menu layouts on the Messages app.

Layout 1

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps5
Time to Perform Fix20 seconds
Things NeededA Samsung Galaxy smartphone

In this first layout guide, we’ll show you how to remove the blue dot on your Samsung contacts by turning off Rich Communications Settings (RCS). The steps below are from a Samsung Galaxy Note 9, so it’s not a recent model.

The RCS settings menu layout difference may be due to the sample device no longer receiving regular software updates, unlike the newer Galaxy devices. Therefore, showing this difference is helpful since many people own old Samsung devices.

As such, we want to showcase how to toggle RCS on different Galaxy devices so that you can follow along regardless of your Samsung smartphone’s model. many people get confused due to minute differences in menu options shown by guides.

You can select similar steps for your Samsung Galaxy smartphone to remove the blue dot on your contacts without issues. The instructions below will focus on Samsung Messages apps with the Rich Communications Settings switch.

Step 1: Open the Samsung Messages app.

Step 2: Click the kebab menu (three vertical dots) beside the lens
icon to open an additional inline menu.

Step 3: Go to Settings.

Step 4: Click the Advanced Messaging option.

Step 5: Click the switch beside Rich Communications Settings to toggle this feature off.

Layout 2

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps5
Time to Perform Fix20 seconds
Things NeededA Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Unlike the first layout guide, this one will focus on Samsung Messages apps with only the Advanced Messages option. This example will show how to remove the blue dot on your contacts list using a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.

While it’s not among the latest Samsung Galaxy devices, it’s more recent than the previous Note 9 phone. In this case, the RCS messaging feature only appears as Advanced Messaging instead of its full name, as we previously showed you.

This difference means that some Galaxy devices may have more limited options in their RCS messaging settings. It’s jarring why since Google devices all use the RCS Universal Profile, which might not be as universal as its name suggests.

Fortunately, the difference in the menu options won’t be confusing since we’re showing you how to deal with it in the instructions below. With this, you have another option if the previous guide doesn’t appear similar to your Samsung Galaxy device.

Step 1: Open the Samsung Messages app.

Step 2: Click the kebab menu beside the lens icon to open an additional inline menu.

Step 3: Go to Settings.

Step 4: Click the Advanced Messaging option.

Step 5: Click the switch beside Advanced Messaging to toggle the RCS feature off.

Layout 3

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps5
Time to Perform Fix20 seconds
Things NeededA Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Believe it or not, your network carrier may have its unique implementation of the RCS messaging feature. Therefore, the steps for toggling this feature may vary on similar Samsung Galaxy devices subscribing to different mobile network providers. 

We’ll focus on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone using a Vietnamese network carrier to emphasize the difference in this third layout guide. Unlike the first two instructions, the RCS messaging feature appears here as Chat Features instead.

Thus, it’s the switch you must toggle off to deactivate the RCS feature on your Samsung Galaxy device. Doing so should make the blue dot on your Samsung contacts disappear until you turn RCS messaging back on.

Step 1: Open the Samsung Messages app.

Step 2: Click the kebab menu beside the lens icon to open an additional inline menu.

Step 3: Go to Settings.

Step 4: Click the Chat Settings option.

Step 5: Click the switch beside Chat Features to toggle the RCS feature off.

Why are some Samsung text messages in green while others are in blue? 

The green and blue text message bubbles on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone indicate differences in the messaging format. Text messages sent through your Samsung Messages app via SMS and MMS format will have a green bubble.

Why are some Samsung text messages in green while others are in blue

Meanwhile, if you send them via the RCS chat, all text messages will appear with a blue bubble. This design choice makes it easy to keep track of your text messages since some of your contacts may prefer RCS chats over SMS and MMS or vice versa.

After all, you don’t want to send a text message in the RCS chat format to a contact that turned off this feature. Otherwise, sending the RCS chat message will result in a delivery failure, which isn’t ideal if you have an urgent matter to share.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not removing the blue dot on your Samsung contacts by turning off RCS messaging is worth it. We suggest keeping it on since you can still send SMS and MMS format text messages as needed.

FAQs About the Blue Dot on Your Samsung Contacts

What does it mean when there’s a blue dot next to an iPhone text message? 

The text message is unread if it has a blue dot next to it on your iPhone Message app. Reading the text message will automatically remove the blue dot next to it.

After you block someone, will it turn your text messages green?

It will, but the green text bubble doesn’t necessarily mean you have blocked someone. The green text bubble indicates text messages sent via the SMS or MMS format instead of RCS chat on Android or iMessage on iOS.

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