The other day, I was wondering if Snapchat informs my friends if I pin them and make them part of my BFF list on the platform. I mean, wouldn’t it be nice to know you’re on someone’s list too, so you can deepen the relationship even more?
If you’re wondering the same thing, today’s your lucky day! I’ve looked into the nitty-gritty details since it’s high time to bring clarity to the table.
In this post, I’ll shed light on what exactly happens when you pin someone as your BFF on Snapchat — whether that person will be notified they’ve made it to your list.
Can someone see if you pin them as your #1 best friend?
A Snapchat user won’t typically see when someone pins them as their number one best friend on the platform. However, you can do some tricks to find out if you’re in someone’s number one best friend list.
So, pinning someone as your number one best friend on Snapchat won’t tell them about it unless they actively gather clues afterward to confirm it.
The bestfriend system of one of the world’s most used social media platforms allows this to happen. That’s because the friendship status doesn’t have to be mutual.
After all, you can pin someone as your number one best friend on Snapchat even if you aren’t on their corresponding list and vice versa. Pinning someone as a best friend requires sending them as many snaps as possible.
While the snap’s recipient can become a best friend, the sender won’t become one unless the former returns these snaps in kind.
Doing so is more crucial if you want to be a mutual number one best friend because you must send each other the most snaps.
Does it tell someone when you pin them on Snapchat?
Pinning someone on Snapchat won’t let them know because the platform doesn’t say anything when it happens. Similarly, you won’t receive any notification that someone has pinned you in their best friend or number one best friend list.
As mentioned, you must actively search for clues to confirm whether or not you’re someone’s best friend or number one best friend. Otherwise, you may spend months using Snapchat without knowing if someone has pinned you as their best friend.
What happens when you pin a friend on your Snapchat?
Pinning a friend on Snapchat gives them higher priority over your other friends. In particular, pinning someone as a best friend will put them on a separate list shown before your regular friends, giving you quicker access to them, among other things.
Snapchat recommends your best friends first whenever you try to send snaps, improving their likelihood of receiving one from you. It’s a convenient design choice since you have better odds of interacting with your best friends in the first place.
However, pinning someone as a best friend isn’t the only way to prioritize them on your account. After all, you can pin a specific conversation, even if the other person isn’t on your best friend list.
Doing so will move the selected conversation over unpinned ones, making it easier to access since you don’t need to search for it actively.
Since it will always appear among your top conversations, it’s handy when preparing someone as a potential best friend.
This way, sending them snaps is quick and easy, which is crucial if you want to keep sending them more to build your relationship status on Snapchat. Of course, it only matters if you use the organic method to develop your relationship on the platform.
Otherwise, you can buy a Snapchat+ subscription to help you skip the arduous process altogether. With this, you can pin someone on Snapchat as your number one best friend without worrying about sending them as many snaps frequently.
If someone pins me as a #1 BFF, will I know?
Because other Snapchat users can’t know when you pin them as your number one best friend forever (BFF), the same applies to you. Fortunately, it doesn’t mean you can’t confirm this later using some workarounds.
It’s only a limitation set by Snapchat because they don’t notify users whenever someone pins them as a best friend. If you know what to look for, you can find out who among your friends has you on their best friend list or as a number one BFF.
You can only be BFF with someone if you’re each other’s number one best friend for two consecutive weeks. It means you must send each other the most snaps during these two weeks without fail, or someone can overtake your number one position.
Continuing your interaction for two more months will let you achieve the highest relationship status on Snapchat, Super BFFs.
How to Know Someone Pinned Me on Their Snapchat
Because you can’t get a notification whenever someone pins you on Snapchat as a best friend, you must investigate to confirm your suspicions. Here are some tricks to help you verify your Snapchat status and check whether you’re a best friend.
Method 1. Ask them
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 1 |
Time to Perform Fix | 20 to 30 seconds |
Things Needed | Any smartphone A working internet connection |
Since pinning someone on Snapchat doesn’t tell them when it happens, a straightforward but effective solution we recommend is asking the other person. This way, you can get the answer directly from the best resource person.
Unfortunately, this method’s success relies on the other person’s honesty. In most cases, it would be out of your control whether or not they will tell you the truth unless you can convince them somehow.
Thus, this method can be troublesome if used on someone you only know through Snapchat. After all, you can only ask them through a chat conversation, where most people don’t feel pressure to tell the truth because of their anonymity.
If it’s someone you know outside of the platform, you can try meeting them in person to ask them about it. Putting people on the spot will likely make them tell the truth since they don’t have time to prepare a fabricated answer that sounds convincing.
Method 2. You’re in a relationship
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 1 |
Time to Perform Fix | 20 to 30 seconds |
Things Needed | Any smartphone A working internet connection |
Even if pinning someone on Snapchat doesn’t tell you when it happens, confirming it is easy if you’re close to the other person. Also, it’s easier if you’re in a relationship with them since you can ask about your accounts’ best friend status without issues.
After all, approaching someone you know on that level should be a no-brainer. More importantly, they shouldn’t have any problem telling you the truth unless they’re unfaithful or a chronic liar.
By then, staying in that relationship would be a more significant concern than confirming your friendship status on Snapchat.
Method 3. Check their phone
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 1 |
Time to Perform Fix | 20 to 30 seconds |
Things Needed | Any smartphone A working internet connection |
Sometimes, it can be challenging to rely on others to tell you the truth when you ask them about something. Thus, if you think someone pinned you on Snapchat, asking them for confirmation may not be the best solution.
The best way to ensure they’re telling the truth is to ask for proof. For instance, you can ask them to show you their phone so you can check their Snapchat friends list with your own eyes.
With this, you can clear your doubts since you’ll see the other person’s friends list yourself. If you can’t meet them in person, you can ask them to send you a screenshot instead.
However, you mustn’t, under any circumstances, check someone’s phone without their permission. Doing so violates their data privacy rights, which can cause you to suffer serious legal consequences.
Method 4. Check the emoji next to their username
Difficulty | Very Easy ●○○○○ |
Number of Steps | 1 |
Time to Perform Fix | 10 to 20 seconds |
Things Needed | Any smartphone A working internet connection |
The safest way to confirm someone pinned you on Snapchat is to check for emojis next to their username. These heart emojis are surefire ways to tell that you’re someone’s best friend, BFF, or Super BFF on the platform.
However, it’s important to note that these heart emojis only appear if you pinned each other as number one best friends. If only one of you is on the best friend list, the corresponding heart emoji won’t appear until the status becomes mutual.
Therefore, even if Snapchat doesn’t notify you of your best friend statuses, these emojis are helpful clues that let you monitor your relationship progress on the platform.
Why can’t I pin someone on my Snapchat?
The only reason you can’t pin someone on Snapchat as your best friend is because you haven’t sent them enough snaps. You must keep sending them more snaps until they become your best friend.
You can make someone your number one best friend on Snapchat by ensuring you send them the most snaps. They must do the same with you to make you their best friend on the platform.
If you don’t want to spend too much time building up your friendship, you can purchase a Snapchat+ membership. With this, you can pin someone as your number-one best friend immediately.
How many people can I pin on my Snapchat?
It’s only possible to pin a single number one best friend on Snapchat. However, you can have up to eight people on your best friends list, which refreshes regularly based on who you send the most snaps to.