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How to Know if Youre on Someones Friends List

How to Know If You’re On Someone’s Best Friends List

If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered if you’ve achieved the coveted status of being on someone’s Best Friends list on Snapchat. 

The little heart emoji next to your friend’s name can feel like the ultimate digital high-five, confirming your special place in their Snapchat world. But how do you unlock this secret code?

Well, in this blog, I’ll spill the beans on how to decode the mystery of the Best Friends list on Snapchat so you won’t have to keep wondering! As a bonus, I’ll even share tips on how you can learn who’s on other people’s lists. Ready? Let’s go!

How do you know if you’re on someone’s best friend list?

1. There’s a heart emoji next to their Snapchat name 

A telltale sign that you’re on someone else’s Best Friends list is seeing a heart emoji next to their Snapchat name. After all, this indicates that you and the other person with this emoji have added each other as Best Friends.

In particular, the heart emoji appears between users who consider each other as their number one Best Friend. Therefore, you won’t see this emoji next to a person’s Snapchat name if one of you only considers the other as a regular Best Friend.

There’s a heart emoji next to their Snapchat name

Since a condition that both users must be each other’s Best Friends is necessary, it works as a confirmation. So, this is the simplest way to know if you’re on someone’s Best Friends list without having to ask them or check their Snapchat account.

However, it’s important to note that the heart emoji will have a different color or design based on meeting other criteria. Here’s what each color means:

  • Yellow Heart Emoji (Besties): This is the standard design and color next to your number one best friend’s name.
  • Red Heart Emoji (BFF): The yellow heart emoji will change to red once you‘re each other’s number-one best friend for two consecutive weeks.
  • Two Red Hearts Emoji (Super BFF): Once your BFF status persists for two successive months, your relationship’s label will progress to Super BFF.

2. There’s a smiling blush face emoji next to your Snapchat name

Another sign you can look for is the smiling blush face emoji next to your friend’s name on Snapchat. It’s the standard emoji next to an account’s name added as a regular best friend.

There’s a smiling blush face emoji next to your Snapchat name

In the order of progression, the smiling blush face emoji is directly below the yellow heart emoji. This label means you’re not each other’s #1 Best Friend, but one of you considers the other as such.

What’s tricky about this is only one person knows who the Best Friend is since it doesn’t have the same condition as the previous method. 

So, if a friend has this smiling blush emoji next to their name, they won’t know unless they see it on your Snapchat account. Unfortunately, this works the other way around. 

Therefore, checking whether your name has this emoji on the other person’s Snapchat account is the only way to know if you’re on their Best Friends list.

3. You saw your name in their Best Friends list 

This method also requires looking into the other person’s Snapchat account. In such cases, you can ask the other person to show you their phone or get permission to open their account.

You must open the other person’s My Friends list under their profile’s Friend section to do this. To open this list, navigate to their account’s profile icon > gear icon > Friends > My Friends.

This list will show all their Snapchat friends in alphabetical order. However, you’ll see their Best Friends list on top since they have priority over their regular friends for easy access.

You saw your name in their Best Friends list

Remember, you must have permission to check the other person’s Snapchat account. After all, data privacy laws protect account information from other parties, although some provisions may vary between regions and countries.

Thus, we don’t recommend opening their Snapchat account behind their back as it’s a data privacy violation and may have legal consequences (depending on your local laws). 

Plus, this action may break their trust in you. And since you need to send each other snaps to become Best Friends constantly, this will compromise your Snapchat relationship, or worse, even end your real-life friendship.

4. You Snapchat with them regularly 

As mentioned, the condition for someone to become your Best Friend is sending them the most snaps. So, you can go by your intuition and deduce that you’re each other’s #1 Best Friend if you’re constantly Snapchatting with each other. 

You Snapchat with them regularly 

Sadly, there’s no set indicator when using this method to confirm your Best Friend status. But it wouldn’t be an issue if you’re familiar with Snapchat and you know the number of snaps you need to reach your goal. 

With this, you can track the snaps you sent to each other to estimate your Best Friends status, aside from relying on your intuition.

5. They said you’re in their Best Friends list

There’s nothing more straightforward than asking the other person whether or not you’re in their Snapchat’s Best Friends list—granted that you trust them to tell the truth.

However, this method heavily relies on the quality of your relationship.

They said you’re in their Best Friends list

Most people don’t have a reason to lie about their friendship status on Snapchat, though, so they’ll likely tell the truth. It’s not a guarantee, but the person in question is also the best source of this information.

Also, it would be best if you weren’t too concerned about others lying about this because that’s on them. Ultimately, they may be successful in fooling you, but they can never fool themselves.

If you know the other person in real life, it would be best to ask them in person. More importantly, forging your friendship in this manner is infinitely better.

If someone is your Best Friend on Snapchat, will you be theirs too? 

Because someone can become your Best Friend on Snapchat by sending them many snaps, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will be theirs too. After all, the other person must return the favor by sending you many snaps to turn you into their best friend.

This system incentivizes users to send the people they want to be their best friends, besties, or Super BFFs. Only the pointers above can help you tell if you’re on someone’s best friends list on Snapchat.

Otherwise, your guess is as best as everyone else’s.

How do you know who’s on other people’s Best Friends list?  

Here’s another set of tips and tricks that will let you know who’s on other people’s Best Friends list. The following pointers should help sate your curiosity regarding your Super BFFs’ or besties’ other Best Friends on Snapchat.

1. Check whether they have a mutual Best Friend emoji 

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps4
Time to Perform Fix20 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone
A working internet connection

An excellent method for knowing who’s on other people’s best friend lists is to check the emojis next to their names on Snapchat. However, this method works best when checking two people on your account’s Best Friends list.

After all, there’s a special emoji for mutual Best Friends who are also each other’s Best Friends. In such cases, their names on Snapchat will have a smiling face with sunglasses emoji to indicate their Mutual BF relationship.

Check whether they have a mutual Best Friend emoji

The Mutual BF emoji will then change into a grimacing emoji once they become each other’s #1 Best Friend. 

Snapchat uses the grimacing emoji for this Mutual Besties status to tease users and imply a feeling of awkwardness.

The goal here is to probably encourage you to keep sending snaps to your Best Friend so you’ll maintain and even progress your Best Friend status—or maybe try to be their only Best Friend. 

Step 1: Open Snapchat and sign into your account.

Step 2: Click your Snapchat profile icon in
the upper-left corner.

Step 3: Scroll to the Friends section and click My Friends.

Step 4: Check if your best friends have a smiling face with
sunglasses emoji next to their name.

2. Check whether they have heart emojis 

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps1
Time to Perform Fix20 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone
A working internet connection

Following our previous instructions, you can also check whether your friends have heart emojis next to their names on Snapchat. However, you already know this method for knowing if you’re on someone’s Best Friends list.

Technically, your account qualifies as someone on the other person’s Best Friends list, so it’s still a notable addition to this guide. 

Also, it’s important to highlight this method to let you know the steps for checking the heart emoji, which is like the previous instructions.

3. Ask your mutual friends if they’re on each other’s Best Friends list 

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps1
Time to Perform Fix20 to 40 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone
A working internet connection

Another trick you can do is ask your mutual friends if they’re Best Friends on Snapchat. As mentioned, asking people via chat can be tricky if you don’t know them outside of social media and have no idea whether they’ll tell you the truth.

Ask your mutual friends if they’re on each other’s Best Friends list 

Well, your mutual friends are the optimal (and ONLY) source for this information.

And if you’re Best Friends (IRL or online), sharing this information shouldn’t be too difficult unless they have personal reasons. After all, some people on Snapchat don’t use their real names or share details that can reveal private information.

4. Ask if you can check their Best Friends list 

Difficulty Moderate ●●●○○
Number of Steps1
Time to Perform Fix20 to 40 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone
A working internet connection

For this method, you must know one of your mutual friends so you can ask them to show you their Best Friends list on Snapchat. This action will guarantee better results since you can confirm the friendship status with your eyes.

However, its success still depends on whether or not the mutual friend is comfortable enough to let you check their Snapchat account. 

You can try to be as pleasant as possible when asking for this favor, but you can’t hold it against them if they don’t grant your request. And if you can’t meet them in person and they agree, you can ask them to send you a screenshot of this list instead.

Ask if you can check their Best Friends list

With this, you check whether or not the other mutual friend is there as a Best Friend, Bestie, or Super BFF. Remember, you can check both their Best Friends lists for best results.

5. Check their phone 

Difficulty Moderate ●●●○○
Number of Steps1
Time to Perform Fix20 to 40 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone
A working internet connection

Alternatively, you can check your mutual friend’s phone to check the people on their Best Friends list. Obviously, this method will only work if you know them in real life and you can physically check their phone.

Of course, the success of this method will depend on your real-life relationship with your friend and whether you’re close enough to use each others’ phones.

While this is an option, we don’t recommend it unless you have permission, as it violates data privacy laws and can put you in serious trouble.
You don’t want to risk legal consequences only to know a mutual friend’s best friends list on Snapchat. It’s not worth it, mainly because there are other ways to do it without jeopardizing yourself.

6. Guess who they have on their Best Friend list

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps1
Time to Perform Fix20 to 40 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone
A working internet connection

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to rely on guesswork, but this method will only be effective if the person in question is close to you outside of Snapchat.

After all, this gives you an idea about the potential people they could share snaps with the most. This way, you can narrow the possible candidates for this person’s best friends on Snapchat.

If you’re friends with them on other social media platforms like Facebook, you can look up their friends list. You can also view their timeline to see the people they spend the most time with.

Guess who they have on their Best Friend list

Moreover, it’s easier when you know the person is in a romantic relationship because that makes their partner their most likely Best Friend on Snapchat—but a family member is another likely possibility. 

Whichever the case, it’s usually the people closest to them outside of social media platforms.

How can you make someone your #1 Best Friend on Snapchat?

OPTION 1: Interact regularly and hope for the best

Unlike other social media platforms, you can’t set someone as a Best Friend with a simple click of a button. Instead, you must interact by regularly sending each other snaps.

After all, being #1 Best Friends on Snapchat is a two-way street, and putting in effort into sending each other snaps consecutively for two weeks and then two months will qualify you for the Besties and Super BFF titles, respectively.

OPTION 2: Subscribe to Snapchat+

Difficulty Very Easy ●○○○○
Number of Steps8
Time to Perform Fix60 seconds
Things NeededAny smartphone
A working internet connection

If you want to forgo the pleasure of building your Super BFF status with your friend, you can purchase a Snapchat+ subscription. Doing so lets you cheat into selecting a friend as your number one best friend without sending snaps constantly.

This way, you don’t have to worry about someone else overtaking your friend as long as your subscription is active. Of course, you can always renew your subscription to continue enjoying this Snapchat+ perk.

Step 1: Open Snapchat and sign into
your account.

Step 2: Click your Snapchat profile icon in
the upper-left corner.

Step 3: Click Snapchat+.

Step 4: Choose a plan.

Step 5: Click Subscribe or Start 7-Day
Free Trial (first time only).

Step 6: Go to Chat.

Step 7: Tap and hold a friend.

Step 8: Set them as your number one BFF.

Can you check how many friends somebody has on Snapchat? 

Snapchat doesn’t allow you to see other people’s friends list, so you can’t tell how many they have. Consequently, you won’t know other people’s best friends, besties, or Super BFFs unless you use out-of-the-box tricks like the ones we have in this guide.

After all, Snapchat prioritizes the privacy and security of its users, which is why friend information is scarce by design. This way, you won’t have to worry about shady individuals using your sensitive information to further their interests.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean you won’t find scammers on Snapchat. Thus, it’s wise to always be on guard whenever you’re on the Internet because these individuals tend to strike when you least expect them to.

Who can see your friends list on Snapchat?

As mentioned, Snapchat prioritizes your privacy and security so only you can see your account’s friends list.

The only way for others to access this list is if you voluntarily show them your phone. In such cases, you must observe due diligence because exposing sensitive information may put you at risk.

Can other people see your friends and best friends? 

Other people can’t see your friends on Snapchat under normal circumstances. However, they can tell who your best friends are if they’re mutual friends.

A smiling face with sunglasses appears next to your mutual friends’ names if they, too, are best friends on Snapchat. Therefore, other people can’t see your friends or best friends unless you show them the list on your account.

Can you see other people’s friends list on Snapchat? 

Since others can’t see your friends list, it’s only fair that you can’t see theirs. After all, it’s a necessary privacy and security feature that Snapchat implements to protect its users’ sensitive information.

As such, you must ask the other person if they will let you see their friends list. 

Unfortunately, it’s not something you can ask people you don’t know personally, so be careful snooping around for this information so you don’t get reported on Snapchat.

Is Snapchat’s best friends feature going to come out?

Snapchat’s best friends feature is available today. However, due to its invasive nature, they removed the ability to see other people’s best friends.

No official word is out whether Snapchat will bring back this feature, considering its users have mixed opinions regarding its necessity. Some liked this feature, while others thought it was invasive to their privacy and security.

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